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Will Las Vegas end if Lake Mead dries up?

18 August 2022

This week's gambling news is all about the future of Las Vegas and the real possibility of Lake Mead drying up. As Nevada and the western states experience their worst drought in centuries, and climate change turns up the heat, there is a real possibility of the Lake Mead water level falling to dead pool status, producing no electricity and releasing no water. All this while Las Vegas flooding is occurring. Will Las Vegas survive?

Gambling news focuses on the Nevada water shortage and a Lake Mead update. This is not just bad news for Nevada, of course. The same Las Vegas drought is responsible for the California water shortage and the arid conditions in the western United States. There's been a profound effect on a total of seven states include Arizona, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and even Wyoming. But for the purposed of gambling news, we’re focusing on what this means for Las Vegas water. August 16th was the deadline for all seven states involved to have plans in place to cut Lake Mead water consumption. That’s easier said than done, of course. And nearly impossible for all the states to agree on the best course of action. Potential solutions are not pleasant, and so the states will probably not meet the deadline. The Las Vegas drought is the same thing as the Arizona water crisis and California water shortage, but each will be effected differently.

It's not like no one saw a Las Vegas water shortage coming. In addition to a drought that has stretched over two decades, states have lowered the Lake Mead water level when they pulled more water than it could handle. Now Hoover Dam may not be able to produce electricity or send water downstream. The Lake Mead drought could be catastrophic to agriculture, too. Changes to the climate and Lake Mead water level have also taken a toll on the water supply by about 20%. And experts predict another 10% drop could be on the horizon. Now, the Federal Government may get involved.